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Report of Executive Board of Directors

Risk Guidelines

Bouwinvest constantly aims to strengthen the risk management function within the organisation. To support this continuous improvement on a structural basis, Bouwinvest has defined a long-term Integrated Risk Management Plan to take its risk management to Next Level Risk maturity. As part of this plan, Bouwinvest will make a transition to Integrated Risk Management. We have defined our Risk Taxonomy and Risk Policy and will continue to implement these in 2020. We will realise the continued growth in risk maturity in every all layer of the organisation. We will implement the Integrated Risk Management Policy in cooperation with the first line business. To realise this, Risk Management will act as a trusted partner in business, designing suitable risk policies and a challenging and risk monitoring role.

The three lines of defence and the risk taxonomy are two crucial elements of Bouwinvest’s Risk Management Framework. These are applied to the Bouwinvest management organisation, the Dutch funds and the international mandates.

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