Key information in 2019 All amounts in € thousands unless otherwise stated Performance per share Performance per share20192018Dividends (in €)49.6552.98Net earnings (in €)514.04266.98Net asset value IFRS (in €, at year-end)2,959.532,506.33Net asset value INREV (in €, at year-end)2,959.532,511.10 Statement of financial position Statement of financial position20192018Total assets1,168,142782,645Total shareholders’ equity1,077,155771,241Total debt from credit institutions-- Result Result20192018Net result172,58575,962Total Expense Ratio (TER)0.51%0.55%Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER)1.70%2.51% Fund return PERCENTAGE Property performance (all properties) Portfolio movements Financial occupancy rate Portfolio figures Portfolio figures20192018Investment property (in € 1,000)805,300536,054Investment property under construction (in € 1,000)208,244210,856Gross initial yield5.8%6.8%Total number of properties1818Average rent per square metre per year (in €)195177Financial occupancy rate (average)90.0%89.2%Sustainability (A, B or C label)75.5%73.0%