Bouwinvest’s goal is to realise a solid return on sustainable real estate investments for institutional investors and their participants. Because we invest for the long term, we do this in a responsible manner. Sustainability criteria in the fields of environment, society and good governance (ESG criteria) play an important role in all our business operations.
As a real estate investor, we feel it is our responsibility to play our part in the search for solutions that will help improve the environment and society as a whole. We want to have a positive impact through our business activities (social return):
Financial contribution to pension income
Liveable and inclusive cities and areas
We contribute to healthy, safe and inspiring places where people want to live, work and spend their time both now and in the future.
We reduce the impact of real estate on the climate thanks to CO2 reduction.
Future-proof real estate sector
To make sure we can continue to generate sustainable returns in the long term, we include environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in all our investment decisions. This is in line with the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UN PRI), which we have signed. By underwriting the UN PRI, we recognise the importance of responsible investment and we publicly commit to the implementation of the six principles in our investment process. We are also committed to achieving the targets laid down in the Paris climate agreement. Our long-term goal is to have a 'zero carbon, nearly energy-neutral' portfolio (energy index of 0) in 2045 - a so-called ‘Paris-proof’ portfolio.
On the way to achieving a Paris-proof portfolio, our target is to make sure at least 75% of our invested capital has an above-average sustainability rating (GRESB 4 or 5 stars) by 2021, and to make a positive contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11): We invest in real estate with an above-average sustainability rating and affordable homes.
Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7): We reduce energy use and invest in renewable energy.
Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8): We maintain an active dialogue with our partners on the aspects health, safety and working conditions at building sites.
Health and well-being (SDG 3): We invest in healthcare real estate, healthy buildings and lifecycle-proof homes.

By acting in line with the tenets of corporate social responsibility, we want to create an environment in which all the employees in our organisation take responsibility for the impact of their actions on the environment and society as a whole. Our strategy is focused on reducing the environmental impact of the management organisation, increasing employee satisfaction and broader community engagement. In addition to this, we offer financial support to activities with a social impact and that increase knowledge within our organisation and the real estate sector as a whole.