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Report of the Executive Board of Directors

In the Business Plan 2019-2021 ‘Move up to the next level’, Bouwinvest set itself a number of goals. These included an average long-term return of 5% to 7% per year, excluding currency exchange effects, an annual transaction volume of € 800 million and a GRESB 4 or 5-star rating for at least 75% of our total invested capital.

Bouwinvest also set itself the target of scoring a minimum of 7.0 in its tenant satisfaction surveys and is still targeting a minimum of 7.5 in its client and employee satisfaction surveys. To support the growth of the organisation, Bouwinvest will increase the number of FTEs working at the organisation to 200 in 2021. With 185 FTEs in 2019, we are well on track to achieve this target. Bouwinvest also set itself the target of fleshing out investment strategies for emerging markets (Asia) and opening local offices in New York (North America) and Sydney (Asia-Pacific) in the plan period 2019-2021.

Bouwinvest realised the following targets in 2019: the return on invested capital came in at 11%, excluding currency exchange effects, the transaction volume stood at € 1,043 million and 81% of Bouwinvest’s invested capital had a GRESB 4 or 5-star rating. In addition, tenant satisfaction stood at 7.3, while the average stakeholder appreciation and employee satisfaction scores both came in at 7.8.

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