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Portfolio performance in 2019

Portfolio characteristics

  • Total property value of € 957 million in Dutch retail properties (59 assets, 240,496 m2 NLA) at year-end 2019

  • High-quality retail assets divided into Experience, Convenience and Other

  • Total fund return of 4.3%, income return of 4.2%

  • Occupancy rate of 96.5%

  • Continuous outperformance of the MSCI Property Index

  • GRESB 4-star rating (85 points)

  • 87.9% of the shopping centres has a BREEAM label

  • 98.5% of assets green energy labels (A, B or C), 86% label A

  • Tenant satisfaction score of 6.4

Investment property
Portfolio composition by segment as a percentage of market value
Selection of principal properties



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